Click here to download a PDF version of our Pandemic Management Plan


It is important you know that psychology is classed as an “essential service” and this means that professional help is available to all. We also offer a variety of modes of therapy (e.g., phone, telehealth and face to face) to try and support everyone and their individual circumstances in the event of a pandemic.
In the event of a pandemic The Psychology Hub will actively try to mitigate risks for all that attend our clinic. We have a pandemic management response plan which was prompted by the COVID 19 pandemic. Our pandemic plan involves four phases with various measures at each phase to protect everyone (this is subject to change if CHO directives change or due to the nature of the pandemic). In brief, phase one of our response is mostly to prepare and plan for the possibility of community transmission. Phase two is limiting exposure and spread (e.g., if there are active community cases in wider Brisbane) and Phase three is when there is forced lockdowns or where quarantine is required. Phase Four is Recovery if Phase three was reached. We will display this in our reception area if a pandemic is of active concern. Below are our phases for your information.

Phase One means:

  • Masks are optional (unless you can’t socially distance)
  • Social distancing and hand sanitisation are required
  • Our density level is 1 per 2m2
  • Increased frequency of environmental cleaning
  • Reminding service users (that’s you, your child and/or carers and support workers) of the importance of good hygiene (like with this email) and of social distancing
  • Encouraging good hygiene practices such as covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing (preferably into the elbow), disposing of tissues, and using alcohol-based hand sanitiser (e.g., signage in our waiting area)
  • Where possible avoid handshaking, hugging and other physical contact.
  • Our appointment email reminders prompt people not to attend if unwell
  • Staff are asked to remain home if unwell- even if unrelated to Covid-19
  • Face to Face sessions are acceptable
  • We suggest people only attend with no more than 2 others (1 is preferred)
  • All in clinic staff are vaccinated if mandated (* if exempt they follow CHO protocols or operate online)

Phase Two means:

  • Sanitisation and infection control remain
  • Environmental cleaning increases
  • Signage for reducing spread remain
  • Masks are required in the waiting area and are encouraged in consult rooms
  • Our density changes to 1 per 4m2
  • Telehealth is encouraged. You and your treating practitioner should discuss the suitability of telehealth. Face to Face sessions are still permitted.
  • Your treating practitioner will take your temperature on arriving. Please arrive on time and do not enter the clinic earlier than your scheduled appointment.
  • Please only attend the clinic with one other if you are unable to attend alone
  • If applicable to the pandemic, we encourage patients to purchase their own rapid antigen test (RA Test) and complete these 10-20 minutes before entering the clinic. Usually these can be brought from several pharmacies and sometimes supermarkets.
  • If applicable to the pandemic, we encourage staff to purchase their own rapid antigen test (RA Test) and complete these 10-20 minutes before entering the clinic at the start of a work day (minimum every 3 days).
  • All in clinic staff are vaccinated if mandated (* if exempt they follow CHO protocols or operate online)

Phase Three Means:

  • Sanitisation and infection control remain
  • Environmental cleaning increases
  • Signage for reducing spread remain
  • Masks are required
  • Our density is 1 per 4m2
  • Telehealth is preferred/advised. You and your treating practitioner should discuss the suitability of telehealth. Face to Face sessions are permitted if necessary.
  • Your treating practitioner will take your temperature on arriving. Please arrive on time and wait outside until your treating practitioner collects you
  • Please only attend the clinic with one other if you are unable to attend alone
  • If you are unable to participate in telehealth, and will be attending in clinic, we ask that you purchase a rapid antigen test (if applicable to the pandemic) and complete these 10-20 minutes before entering the clinic (12+ years). These can usually be brought from pharmacies and sometimes supermarkets. If you do not wish to purchase and complete a RA test and they are applicable to managing the pandemic, please switch to a video or phone consultation
  • If applicable to the pandemic Staff will be asked to complete RA tests at a minimum every 3 days
  • If applicable to the pandemic, Positive RA Tests will be followed up with a PCR test
  • Your details will be shared with local health authorities if you become ill with suspected infectious disease (WHO 2020 recommended practice). If you do not agree to this you will not be able to attend the clinic in person)
  • All in clinic staff are vaccinated if mandated (* if exempt they follow CHO protocols or operate online)

Phase Four Means:

  • Masks are optional (unless you can’t socially distance)
  • Social distancing and hand sanitisation are required
  • Our density level is 1 per 4m2
  • Increased frequency of environmental cleaning
  • Reminding service users (that’s you, your child and/or carers and support workers) of the importance of good hygiene (like with this email) and of social distancing
  • Encouraging good hygiene practices such as covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing (preferably into the elbow), disposing of tissues, and using alcohol-based hand sanitiser (e.g., signage in our waiting area)
  • Where possible avoid handshaking, hugging and other physical contact.
  • Our appointment email reminders prompt people not to attend if unwell
  • Staff are asked to remain home if unwell- even if unrelated to the pandemic illness
  • Face to Face sessions are acceptable- a staggered re-entry approach will be used
  • We suggest people only attend with no more than 2 others (1 is preferred)
  • Your treating practitioner will take your temperature on arriving. Please arrive on time and do not enter the clinic earlier than your scheduled appointment.
  • If applicable to the pandemic, we encourage patients to purchase their own rapid antigen test (RA Test) and complete these 10-20 minutes before entering the clinic. Usually these can be brought from several pharmacies and sometimes supermarkets.
  • If applicable to the pandemic, we encourage staff to purchase their own rapid antigen test (RA Test) and complete these 10-20 minutes before entering the clinic at the start of a work day (minimum every 3 days).
  • All in clinic staff are vaccinated if mandated (* if exempt they follow CHO protocols or operate online)

*This is subject to change and current CHO Directive will always supersede

Pandemic Response- Patient Information (Reviewed 12/12/2023)